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The correspondence system is important to improve performance related to company administration. Therefore, Riau University has used information systems services from Profio to create a correspondence system.

This college is named Riau University with Riau University Foundation Decree No. 02 / KPTS / JUR / 62 September 25, 1962. It was further strengthened by Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science No.123 dated September 20, 1963, which is valid on October 1, 1962. At present the university has several faculties, namely:

  1. Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
  2. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
  3. Faculty of Math and Science
  4. Faculty of Economics and Business
  5. Faculty of Agriculture
  6. Faculty of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs
  7. Faculty of Engineering
  8. Medical School
  9. Faculty of Law
  10. Facultu of Nursing
Riau University
Information System, Correspondence System


As a university with the status of a Public Service Agency (BLU) that continues to improve the performance of its organization, Riau University needs a platform that can accelerate and even cut down the flow of bureaucracy in its organization. Considering the area that reaches 700 hectares, UNRI is often constrained by the time distribution of documents and correspondence.


Profio with one of its featured products named simara.id, tries to present a digital platform as an e-office application today. Simara.id is useful to facilitate the process of distributing documents and correspondence systems while continuing to run a structural bureaucratic flow. The solution we offer is at the stage of the process of digitizing physical documents. So that after users experience various conveniences, the next step is to change the whole in digital form.


The Riau University’s e-office has been put into operation in 2019. At present, the implementation is still running on a hybrid basis. This means that the manual process is still running even though the system has begun to be used. In 2020, the plan will begin to be fully implemented. Through the correspondence system, it is expected to be able to support the acceleration process towards Riau University’s main vision, namely “Becoming a Dignified Superior Research University in the Field of Science and Technology in the Southeast Asia Region in 2035”.