Inventory system means inventory management and is related to the logistics activities of a company. Surabaya Medical Facility Safety Center (BPFK) uses information system services from Profio to create this inventory system.
BPFK is an institution that serves testing or calibration of medical facility, radiodiagnostic equipment suitability testing, and monitoring individual dose exposure. Before becoming BPFK, in 1985 it was named the Equipment Maintenance, Radiation Protection, and Calibration Center (BP3K).
Then in 1992 through the Minister of Health Regulation No. 282 of 1992, BP3K was changed to the Medical Facility Safety Center (BPFK) type B. Starting in 2000 with the Minister of Health Regulation No. 1164 of 2000, BPFK Surabaya rose from Type B to BPFK Type A which is equivalent to echelon IIIA with the addition of the Partnership and Technical Guidance section.