About Partner

Inventory system means inventory management and is related to the logistics activities of a company. Surabaya Medical Facility Safety Center (BPFK) uses information system services from Profio to create this inventory system.

BPFK is an institution that serves testing or calibration of medical facility, radiodiagnostic equipment suitability testing, and monitoring individual dose exposure. Before becoming BPFK, in 1985 it was named the Equipment Maintenance, Radiation Protection, and Calibration Center (BP3K).

Then in 1992 through the Minister of Health Regulation No. 282 of 1992, BP3K was changed to the Medical Facility Safety Center (BPFK) type B. Starting in 2000 with the Minister of Health Regulation No. 1164 of 2000, BPFK Surabaya rose from Type B to BPFK Type A which is equivalent to echelon IIIA with the addition of the Partnership and Technical Guidance section.

State-owned Enterprise, Healthcare
Information System


Minister of Health Regulation No.363 / Menkes / Per / IV / 1998 concerning testing and calibration at health service facilities Article 2 paragraph 1, states that every medical device must be tested and or calibrated to ensure the truth of the output value or performance and safety of use. In addition there are several challenges faced by BPFK in the field, as follows:

  1. The process of testing and calibration calculations that must be done is very much. So, we need a system to prevent calculation errors.
  2. BPFK has many laboratories. So, good coordination is needed to determine the demand for the device to be tested or calibrated.
  3. Test equipment is often taken out by officers to test medical devices at other health facilities, so it is necessary to know the current status of the test equipment.
  4. The customer needs to know the status of the equipment that being requested, so that the customer is easy to monitor.

Therefore, we need a system that is able to solve these problems.


Profio comes by offering a solution in the form of a Laboratory Inventory Management Information System that functions to:

  1. Automate the calculation of test results and calibration of medical devices. Starting from measurement data input, correction calculation, uncertainty calculation, until reporting the results of testing or calibration.
  2. Provides information about the condition, position, and status of measuring instruments.
  3. Set the correction values on each tool.
  4. Set the uncertainty value for each tool.
  5. Facilitating the service process of medical devices to be tested or calibrated, ranging from customer requests to reporting the results of calibration or testing.
  6. Provides information for customers, so they can see the test results online.


The BPFK Surabaya Laboratory Inventory Management Information System has been used since 2016. During the use process, this application continues to be improved until the release of a stable version in 2017. With this system, it is expected to support BPFK Surabaya’s services to the public in the form of ease of status information medical devices that being tested and accuracy of calculations during the testing or calibration process. In addition, through this system we also provide full support to BPFK Surabaya in carrying out its mission, namely “Becoming a National Reference in Testing and Calibration of Health Facilities”.