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The New Normal: Changing Lifestyle

The term new normal increasingly widely heard over the last few times. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, which was initially believed to be disappearing after Eid, apparently has not shown such results. In the middle of last May, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo even stated that the Indonesian people must live together with the Corona virus.

A New Way to Live Life

The COVID-19 pandemic severely struck various aspects of life in almost all countries in the world. The way of people’s life were affected. Moreover, with the statement from the world-scale health organization, WHO, the Corona virus will never disappear, inevitably the community must now begin to adjust to continue to live life.

This condition also applies in Indonesia. The government is intensely announcing the new normal, which is a new order to adapt to COVID-19. In general, the new normal is get used to clean and healthy living behaviors on a broader scale and a massive scale.

The background to this idea is the need to maintain productivity in safe ways during this critical period which is also uncertain when it will end. In other words, new normal is considered as a scenario to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in health and socio-economic aspects.

Requirements for the Realization of New Normal

The new normal concept is made with various considerations. One way is to look at the conditions (epidemiological aspects) and readiness of each region so that the addition of COVID-19 positive cases can be suppressed.

According to WHO, the requirement before a country applies new normal is to prove that the country is able to control the Corona virus transmission. The control must be applicable in places or areas that have their own vulnerabilities such as densely populated areas, nursing homes, health facilities, workplaces, and so on.

In addition, WHO also formulated several other requirements before the implementation of new normal. Here are six conditions set by WHO towards a new normal transition.

  1. The state through the government can prove that the transmission of the Corona virus has been controlled.
  2. The availability of hospitals or health support systems to identify, test, isolate, contact tracing, and quarantine COVID-19 patients.
  3. The risk of transmission of an outbreak of COVID-19 has been controlled especially in places that have a high potential to be affected.
  4. The implementation of basic preventive measures in the work environment such as keeping a distance, washing hands, and maintaining ethics when coughing.
  5. Prevent Corona virus import cases.
  6. Encourage the wider community to participate and participate in the transition.

Health Protocol in New Normal

In addition to the government’s intensive efforts in carrying out various strategic actions, public discipline is also very important to determine the success of the new normal. The health protocols that need to be started by the community in order to coexist with the Corona virus are as follows.

1. Hand Washing

Appeal and guidance on hand washing have been massively echoed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak until now. Some important points related to this protocol include the following.

  1. Use clean running water
  2. Use a soap
  3. Rub the back of the hand and the inside of the hand as well as between the tips and fingers
  4. Wash your hands often
  5. Use a hand sanitizer when it is not possible to wash your hands
  6. Avoid touching the face

The face is the area that becomes the entrance of the Corona virus into the body, whether through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Therefore, minimize the movement of touching the face, especially in conditions that are not clean hands.

Recommendation: Recognizing Coronavirus Symptoms as Self and Family Protection

2. Applying Cough and Sneezing Ethics

Coughing and sneezing is one of the body’s mechanisms for removing the virus from the body.

  1. Use tissue or the inside of the arm if coughing or sneezing
  2. Immediately remove the tissue and clean the surface contaminated by coughing or sneezing
  3. Wash hands immediately according to protocol
  4. Do not touch the face (before washing hands)
  5. Wear a mask

This protocol is especially important for adhering to someone who has symptoms of illness or respiratory problems. Use a medical mask if going outside or interacting with others. The mask can only be used once and immediately dispose of in a closed trash can afterwards.

Fabric masks can also be used especially for healthy individuals. This mask can be used again, but with a note must be washed first after use.

3) Physical Distancing

It is important to keep a distance from other people at least one meter in this period. In addition, physical distancing also includes avoiding crowds, minimizing physical contact with other people, and so on.

4) Self Isolation

Individuals who feel unwell and as symptomatic as fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, and sore throat are encouraged to consciously carry out self isolation at home.

5) Stay Healthy

Maintaining physical and mental health needs for body immunity. Some ways that you can do is by eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly at home, and sunbathing for several minutes.

So, are you ready to start the new normal?

Image by: Unsplash

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